Sunday, December 6, 2020

What I think Life Would be like If I Was A TCK

What I think Life Would be like If I Was A TCK

A little about me 

I figured that if I was going to tell you what I would do if I was a TCK, you should know just a little about me and where I came from, to let you know where I'm coming from. Anyways like I said my name is Mareska I am a year 9 student in Sekolah Cikal Amri. My dad is a full Indonesian while my mom is Mixed, that's why I don't really look Indonesian people always ask me where I'm from and I would just respond with ‘i'm from Indonesia but my mom is mixed’ and they would ask me if I can speak Indonesian, which I can. Now this doesn't really bother me much but sometimes it just gets a little annoying, people would constantly ask questions that I genuinely have no answer to.  

What I think my life would be like if I were a TCK

Now that you know somethings about me, I feel like being a TCK kid would be fun, like you get to travel around the world, meet new friends, experience interesting cultures, and learn lots of new languages. But I do know that there are some downsides to being a TCK kid like you can get detachment issues and not meet with your friends that are from a different country again. And how hard it would be to answer the “where are you from” question. Actually, I've been thinking about how to answer that question. If I was a TCK, I would probably just say ‘I'm from around’, but I don't think I would know what to do when or if I feel out of place. And how I would handle moving around, but I feel like moving around is gonna be the fun part like going house/ apartment searching but I know it's gonna be difficult to move from one country to another. 

What Ms. Sienna told me

 I’m not going to lie at first I thought that being a TCK would suck like with people just coming up to you and asking you questions that you don't know the answer to, and how ‘out of place’ you would feel. But then when Ms. Sienna came to speak at our Guest speaker session that all changed, she seems happy that she was a TCK saying that she wouldn't have it any other way, and how actually nice being a TCK was, at least to her anyway. She also said that most TCKs actually get along better with other TCK kids, I assume because they know what it feels like being a TCK and how they have a lot to bond with. She also said that TCK kids actually go back to the country they spent most of their time growing up in. She said it has something to do with the familiarity and the friends she made there. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Learning French

Hey!, so today i’m going to tell you about how I learn to speak french, and i'm going to give you some tips if you want to learn a new language or if want to learn the French language.

I want to learn a new language because, if i want to to another country i can speak their language and not be lost. And i want to learn a new language because I can make new friends and if i’m watching a tv show in that language i can understand it.I choose to learn french because, I really want to go to french one day and i want to be able to read the menus and read the directions ask for directions and watch movies/tv shows in french and understand them, and maybe even make some new friends.I  practice a lot with my friends and i join duolingo, duolingo is like an app that helps you learn a new language. And i practice greetings and l watch TV shows/ movies that's in french, but i still use subtitles of course because i haven't fully understand it.In french is probably speaking in a accent and pronouncing the words because sometimes in a word there is going to be a silent letter and that made it hard to say the word and speak in an accent as well. My 1 tip would be to join a club for the language you want to learn 2, practice by yourself at home (you can use duolingo for that) and tip no 3 is probably practice with a friend that can speak the language you and to learn

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Why i choose to learn the french language

 i choose to learn the French language because frist i kinda have to because it’s for my english project. Second i choose this language to learn because it's interesting and i really want go go to France so maybe when i'm in France i can like ask where the caffe is or were the bathroom is and maybe like make some new friends. And third i really want to learn another language and I really want to go to France so yeah.

Bienvenue sur mon blog!

Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon blog!

hey! my name is keke and i'm in the 7th grade and i'm from Indonesia. so this blog is going to be about my journey of learning a new language french. so yeah enjoy!!